A van full of nuns

A van full of nuns gets into an accident and end up at the pearly gates where saint Peter is waiting for them. Next to the pearly gates is a huge tub of holy water. St Peter tells the nuns that even people who sinned a bit can get into heaven, they just have to wash the body part that they sinned with in the holy water and also be honest about their sin. The first nun in line admits that when she was a young girl, she was walking down the street and looked up into this apartment window and saw a man undressing. She did not avert her eyes but watched him for quite awhile. "No prob" St peter said, "wash your eyes in the holy water and enter your reward."

The next nun in line admits that when she was a teenager, before she entered the convent, she had a few dates with a young man and on one of them, she touched his penis. "No prob," said St Peter, just wash your hands in the holy water and enter your reward.

St Peter hears a commotion and looks over to see the next two nuns fighting over who is going to be next in line. "Ladies, ladies," St peter said, "Please, there is no reason to fight over who will be next."

One of the nuns replied, "There certainly is, I must be next because I am not going to gargle with that holy water after she sits in it."


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