Airport Chaos..

It was a typical chaotic Friday evening at a large International Airport. Travelers, friends, relatives, airport personnel, pilots, flight attendants, the handicapped and infirm making their way through the throngs of shoulder to shoulder people. All of the ticket agents were doing their utmost to process each passenger as quickly as they could. But one man (there's always one) toward the end of the snaking line was obviously impatient and very frustrated at having to wait so long. He finally decided to march right up to the counter, pulling his wheeled suitcase and demanded that he be given his boarding pass. The ticket agent turned slightly, looked at him, blinked, took a deep breath and said, "Sir, as you can see there are many passengers ahead of you. We are doing our best to process the passengers as fast as we can. I'm afraid you'll have to get back in line". Outraged at being treated this way, the man yelled at the ticket agent, "Do you know who I am ?...