You meet a guy

You meet a guy, and you think that this is mister right. You need to figure out that it is indeed mister right or if this guy is "Mr. Rightnow" his distant cousin. These tips will help in giving you the clues to the correct individual.
Tip 1 Does he work?
Every good guy that you should be interested in has a job. The guy you just met normally will tell you about himself. If your's doesn't mention his job sort of ask how long he has been working at his current job. If he gives you an answer of less than a month or two and not years, move on. Only stay if he just changed after 5+ years to this current job for more money or he just moved into the area. Damn the fact we are in bad times and the job he wants is not available. I worked eight years at McDonald's and let me tell you, managers can get a very good salary. You just have to be there for a long time, like a year. Responsible men keep a job because they don't have the time or energy to beg, borrow, or steal.
Tip 2 Does he have a car?
Guy been working at job longer than 5 years; ask what type of car he drives. Not driving, move on; either drunk driving problems or just a loser who loves to speed or drive crazy. Good responsible men know that to get to work you normally need a car. This is kind of tough if you live in a large city with good public transportation or if the individual lives very close to his job. This rule does tie into the first rule as a job should be had by all. Never just accept the answer of, "I don't like to drive", as you can do bad all by yourself. If you do find yourself in the city and public transportation can take you anywhere you will have to be the judge.
Tips 3 Where does he live?
Ask to see his apartment; if he still lives with mom then walk away; you could have kids of your own. Don't take someone else's kid or someone else's problem. I had a buddy that always told women he lived with his mom and she didn't like him bringing home women. They accepted that blindly but they should have listened more when the little gotchas came out when mentioning "women". They should have insisted because they would have met his girlfriend he was living with. Some actually found out but they were willing to be the other woman till he left and came to them full time. It never happened, a man wouldn't normally leave when he has a wife/woman and kids for another woman. They found this out sometimes years later. Don't you just accept anything from a man and when he doesn't have a home or doesn't want you over; step away, there is another woman in the picture. If you can get the go ahead to come over, don't be prepared to "sleep over" that first time. Give yourself several times of coming over for a small visit, and one time needs to be unexpected. Plenty of guys will "rent" a friends place who is single to "seal the deal" of a woman who will feel comfortable only in his place and later find out it's a friends apartment. If he does have an apartment and you think this is the guy and you feel a little physical need yourself, that is OK but never in the room where he says. These days of women being captured on film without they knowing is rampant over the internet. Be spontaneous in another room, never in a bedroom where he might want to set the scene.
The three tips above all lead to one thing, stability. Women will put up with a lot but everyone loves stability and hates change. A man with a long job history; has taken loans to buy his car and maintain upkeep, has his own residence, all say that this is a guy that sticks around. You want a man to stick around when you need him. Men with stability will rarely just up and leave when you need them. They also do things to keep you in his life instead of looking for the next thing that come along. You don't really need that in your life when the times get hard.
Last tips are the important ones.
If all of the above checks out then inject yourself in his life. Show up at his job for lunch; have him take you out; have him pick you up even if you don't need a ride.
If he can stand that for longer than a year or so then he is a possible keeper. Another thing I noticed is women making excuses for a man who is not worth anything. If you have a loser and you know he is a loser then just be happy. Accept what he puts out as the truth and don't try to change him becasue he will not be changed.
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